About me yeah that sounds interesting wouldnt you like to know buster

I'm a really cool guy dont worry about it who has an interest in guns dont worry about it and also other military stuff dont worry about it and also games like metal gear solid and armored core idk probably worry about that one.

I live in engerland (hhahaha egggsdee bouluhohwahuh no i havent been stabbed by a muslamic raygun) I live in the rural suburbs not the craphole cities and spend my free time climbing hills in full kit getting weird looks from people wondering why some walter mitty lookin ass is climbing his fence. idc though, not had the police called on me yet (oi m8 weur faking walking loicence) great joke mate never get old). I got a kid plus on on the way and im engaged because i managed to scare some lady in to being with idk why else she'd be here.

I want to take up airsoft so i have another costly money pit and also so i can also play army men in a warehouse with a bunch of 12 year olds and 35 year old men and that 1 woman who have like 3 orbiters you know the one haha. Would also be pretty cool to be featured in one of those youtube compilations where some bitch in a ghillie suit sits on his ass for 4 hours and shoots a 13 year old in his nuts because he didnt call a glancing hit in 15 milliseconds time. Also considereding joining a shooting club so i can actually use firearms in this nuns covenant of a country but probably wont as im buying a house atm and they expensive rn becuase its imperative that the green line goes up otherwise the shareholders get sad and empty their bank accounts into tax havens hahaha thats crazy imagine if we killed a few just to keep them in check JOKES mate dont worry about it something something firebomb a walmart but do nothing
