20th September 2024


Connor O'Malley does some really cool comedy

I'm walking through a parking lot in the US, no idea what state. A badly dressed cop starts running towards me. It's very obviously Connor O'Malley. He's shouting and screaming whether I've seen the shopping trolley collector guy, I say no and he carries on running. 10 seconds pass and a guy in a supermarket uniform and stupid little hat pushing shopping trollies walks past. Again, it's Connor O'Malley. "Hey did you see a cop go by?" Yeah I did etc etc, moderately aware that this is a bit. But then the cop runs back, there's 2 Connors. Talking to each other. This then compounds and Connor O'Malley characters start appearing everywhere and talking to each other. Not stupid amounts but I easliy saw 30 different Connors. The he invites everyone to a stand up routine. Its in a cave. Towards the end of the bit you have to chase him through the cave to hear the jokes. Then he voluntarily buried himself in a squeeze to do a Floyds tomb bit.

I wake.

17th September 2024


End up in Japan by mistake

Somehow end up enroute to Japan. Can see Tokyo in the distance. Gets there, Tokyo tower appearing prominently. We want to go to Disney World, not many us of can speak a work of Japanese. We go to Disney World. The castle is odd as you can actually go into it.

I wake.

11th September 2024


Odd shelter/prison, very DayZ

I'm in a this place, unsure as to why. End of the world? Just out in the wild? There are contact sensors on the window and some of the doors are heavy, bolted shut. It's defenceable, but there are holes in the security. Out checking the perimeter and spot 3 bears about 100 meters away, theyre walking perpendicular and havent noticed me. I quietly move inside but the scraping door alerts them, I cant close the door behind me. I'm rushing closing gates and bolting them. They're no longer behind me, but they know there's food here. If not me, then the others or the ration stocks. It's a rush to make sure all the entrances/exits are blocked, luckily most of the windows are barred. Then bashing on a thinner wooden door could be heard, its not moving much. Probably one of the cubs. A paw breaks through the lower left corner, it gets a hard stomp in return. The cub wails. That definitely pissed off its mother. A small quiet moment presents itself, followed by the loudest and hardest bash against the door. She's here. Me and others are pressing back against the door, its holding for now but fractures are appearing in the wood.

I wake.


Fuck up.


What do you mean you havent got the time off work? The holiday is booked for next week, you fucking retard its the one thing I've been looking forward to.

I wake.

10th September 2024


Cabin on the hills, moorland, sparse woods.

There’s a storm approaching, and I’m outside. Winds are getting stronger, it's a struggle to walk against it. Lightning hits nearby, 500 metres too close. The thunder is all encompassing. The air smells funny, my hairs stand on end. I’m near trees and a pylon. I know the next strike will be too close. Running into the soup, I’m making little progress, the cabin is close yet far. The lightning strikes, it misses. The thunder is right above me, crashing around, there’s no determinable timbre, just bassy noise accompanying the wind. I made it inside. Unclear past this point, a policeman is in the cabin.




Bedroom: messy, medical drips etc just out of view

Two young women look at each other. They look similar, siblings perhaps.Their expressions are sad. One has tears down her face, the other appears more stoic yet pained. The crying girl looks less human, plastics and metals, an android. They’re holding each other's hands. The android knows why she’s doing this, but the stoic girl knows more. She’s dying. The girl gives the android's hands a squeeze, then picks up a device, large, rectangular, slightly heavy and cumbersome. They look at each other with quiet determination, the device is activated. Memories and emotions flood the android, the tears turn to streams. The girl is sitting upright in bed, her face turning dull as the cards flip and the lights dance on the device. The last card flips to zero. The shock of this stuns the android for a period, she sits on her knees, arms limp and sobs. She calms after a minute. The girl had slumped back, expression blank. Alive, for now. “You can go,” says the girl. She always became cold after the procedure. The android straightens herself, she leans over the device that's now lying on the sheets, she hugs the girl. The girl doesn't reciprocate.

I wake.
